Why be Union?

Are you a working person considering a union in your workplace?
Are you trying to figure out if joining a union can make a difference?
Are you a working person thinking about having a union in your workplace?
Are you trying to figure out if joining a union can make a difference?

Working families are looking to make a positive change through inclusiveness and representation of diverse communities.

Joining a union is the best way to improve your job and the jobs of your co-workers

Bargaining – your union negotiates fair and equitable collective bargaining agreements on your behalf.

Rights – your union enforces your rights under the collective bargaining agreement.

Employment - for construction industry members, your union assists you in finding employment as a hiring hall.

Legal Rights – your union enforces legal rights such as those established under the Manitoba Labour Relations Act.

Safety – your union promotes work site safety.

Workplace Equality – your union protects against discrimination in employment.

Training & Apprenticeships – your union provides apprenticeship support and other training programs to assist you with the opportunities to develop and improve skills.

Why choose Local 511?

SMART Local 511’s strength comes from individual members in a craft trade or workplace effectively reaching common goals. Together we maintain and improve wages, improve health and safety conditions, and make your workplace better.

Members help decide what to propose to the employer. Your collective bargaining agreement can include provisions for wages, benefits, vacation, holidays, hours of work, protection from discrimination and harassment, overtime premiums, job protection, layoffs, and the right to union representation.

Workers have a legal right to join and choose a union, protected by law.

Representing union members when dealing with their employer is an important part of our work and Local 511 staff are available to help workers join our union.

Where to start…

Talk to your co-workers

Do many of you share the same concerns?

Determine your top five concerns. Are wages and benefits lower at your workplace than what workers are getting in similar jobs in your industry? Do other workers in your industry get better training? Do you and your co-workers have protection from unjust discipline? Do you have benefits for your families? Would you like a safer workplace? Write a list.

Only talk about a union away from work areas, and off company property.  Organizing a union is legal and a protected right under the law.

Building a committee

If support for a union exists in your workplace, build a committee of co-workers. A strong organizing committee is critical to building the majority support needed to establish your union.

Build majority support

Talk honestly with your co-workers, discussing issues, and building union support. Through one-on-one discussions with co-workers, evaluate the support that exists for a union around your key issues. Restrict your discussions to non-working locations and away from company property.

Contact Us – your information will be respected as private and confidential

If you and your coworkers are interested in forming a union, SMART Local 511 will assist you in building majority support. Before contacting us, make sure that you have already been talking with your co-workers about forming a union, identifying key workplace issues, and building an organizing committee.

Membership Form

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